Discipling Young Women from Russia to Canada

shirleys group ICM CanadaLast month we reported on the Conference that Phil spoke at in the Dominican Republic in September. The theme was Discipling and how this relational approach is really pandemic (and persecution) proof. The history of the Church over the last two thousand years is that nothing can thwart the Lord of the Church fulfilling his purposes in this world. When our wineskins (or ways of doing ministry) are not working or are limited, he loves us enough to shake things up in order to help us change how we do things. Church leaders around the world have had to reconsider the “how” of ministry over the last couple years.

While the conference dealt with these issues at the big picture, national level…the reality is that we all live at a much more down to earth day to day level. We typically don’t need to interact with global issues in our personal life, but rather with actual people and their lives. Our discipleship materials are designed to be used in this one-on-one context. The reality is that if enough believers do this, the results will affect the big picture and even a whole nation. The following are just two examples, one from Canada and the other from Russia, of how this relational approach is changing individual lives.

Tatiana is a ministry coach in our MCNet community of leaders for many years and on a recent video call shared how she is using our Discipling thru Intentional Relationships guide to help several young believers grow in their walk with Jesus. She is excited as apply the Word of God to their lives and grow as they go through the manual together.tanya dis ICM Canada

On the other side of the world, in Canada, another woman is also walking alongside of several young ladies and helping them grow in their new found faith. Shirley has recently started a ministry that disciples young women in their walk with Jesus. Together with her husband, John, they have been friends of the ministry for many years, meeting many of the international coaches. Canada – Russia. Different countries, different cultures, different languages…..yet same Spirit, same Word, same power of transformation working in lives. While this newsletter usually focuses on countries outside of North America, the fact of the matter is that there is no real difference between “here” and “there”. God’s transforming power is the same in Russia, Africa , Latin America… and even Canada

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