Our Network Coach for Latin America, Carlos, brought together the trainers from Cuba as well as leaders from DR and Haiti. Phil was invited to join them late last year to teach his new material, “Multicultural Team Building.”
The reality around the world is that the Gospel has truly gone from all nations to all nations. In practical terms, this often means that most teams are made up of those from difference cultures and countries. While in the past most of these teams were led by western missionaries (often where the money was coming from), the good news today is that local nationals are providing leadership for the ministry within their own countries.
Carlos is one such example of this. While he is Dominican and trains leaders in the DR, he also has Haitians, Cubans and Americans on his team. He and his team has also travelled to meet with interested leaders from other Latin American countries in order to provide leadership training in their countries. From all nations to all nations rather than just “from the West to the rest.”
The new materials that Dr. Phil has developed is designed to help team leaders and members negotiate the challenging waters of accomplishing their purpose on teams that are very diverse. This often includes those speaking different languages, coming from varied socio-economic backgrounds, as well as many cultural differences. (if you know someone or a team who may benefit from this material, let us know at office@icmcanada.org and we can send a complimentary PDF copy).
ICM’s focus on equipping local leaders to impact their own country/culture is more than just a missiological/philosophical value, but has several practical implications. Instead of a centralized missional approach, which can limit growth, it is more of a web (network) that can grow without creating dependence.
As we have seen through this pandemic when countries are shut down to travel (or when visas are not granted by certain countries), the work within each country can continue and be as unique as the needs in that country. ICM still has a role, but it is not the same as typical mission agencies. We are facilitators to encourage the connections in the network as well as develop new materials in order to add value to the ministry of each affiliate in the network.
Earlier this year, Carlos and Raydel R. (their organization is part of the MCNet global family) were in Guatemala meeting with leaders from various other countries interested in implementing the training program that they have been implementing in DR and Cuba over the last few years. It includes teaching leaders basic inductive Bible study as well as ICM’s leadership materials. As travel restriction ease in the coming months we are looking forward to having many other countries in the region become part of our Ministry Coaching Network (MCNet).
Thank you for standing with us during this challenging time, as we continue to develop materials and encourage these leaders around the world.