From Moscow to Germany and Africa

alextatsm ICM CanadaIt has been a privilege to serve in various capacities with Alexei & Tatiana over the years throughout Russia. Being able to meet together in Turkey last year was a real highlight. Dr. Alexei is the director of the Eurasian Seminary in Moscow and Tatiana (PhD)  is a family counselor and teaches courses on family and marriage counseling as well as leading the family ministry in her church. They continue to train leaders within the MCNetwork in Russia.

In addition to her work in Russia, Tatiana regularly travels abroad to teach and contributes in various networks. Recently she was in Germany to teach graduates in a Family Studies Program, as well as attend a leadership forum in Ghana, W. Africa. She shares the following:tat1sm ICM Canada

In April I visited our sister organization in Germany, and taught a week of classes at the Masters level in the Family Studies Program. The class was on the Ethical, Legal and Professional Issues in Marriage counseling with two graduates from Germany and Austria. It was a great time to discuss some interesting ethical aspects of counseling. We did case studies and carried had many good discussions. Within the counseling practice, mentoring is essential and so this is a large part of my work at this stage of life.

tat2 ICM CanadaIn the same month, I was also invited to participate in the Global Christian Forum in Ghana, W. Africa. This is a global gathering of a wide variety of Christian leaders, from orthodox to evangelical, but all focused on the mission to preach the gospel. The conference has a lot of sharing testimonies of faith around the table and looking for ways to cooperate on the basis of being a Christian. Coming from Moscow, I found it unusually hot as the temperature was around +34C with high humidity. To see more what this consortium is about you can check out: 

Alexei and Tatiana are a great team and over the years have provided many opportunities across Russia for our teams to serve other leaders. They are also involved in our CLI (Christian Leadership Institute) as we explore ways to provide ministerial training for the next generation in the Russian speaking world.

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