From the Cradle of the Reformation

Five hundred and two years ago, Martin Luther nailed a declaration to the door of a church in a small town in Germany called Wittenberg. This led to a Reformation of the then known church, that resulted in the Protestant movement. His basic goal was to return the church to a focus on the Scripture for faith and salvation (among other things).

While there have been additional  renewals within the Protestant churches since then, we believe there is need for a structural renewal (new wineskins) on how we view and practice leadership within the church. This led us to meet in this same city with all our Ministry Coaches – those using our materials and programs in their region of the world. 

It’s been a great time to see everyone, to hear what’s going on around the world among ICM coaches. It was a real time of refreshment for us, in the middle of a-challenging period of our lives as well as considering our strategy for future ministry.

Valera & Narina

The Ministry Coaching Network (MCNet) which began as an initiative of ICM Canada, is committed to seeing a return to a true priesthood of all believers where leaders function as equippers of all the saints rather than superstars who gather followings based on personality and giftings. A new leadership reformation, as it were.ional

 Our International Consultation was held over several days in Wittenberg/Lutherstadt in August. Over the last twenty years, Phil and various members of the team have invested time in each of the regions represented. There were inspirational devotional/worship times, as well as reports from each region. Sessions also included discussions as to best practices in the implementation of our materials/programs (a Discipling program for new believers, a Mentoring program for leaders, and materials for leadership teams as well as ministry teams, among others).

I am back at home but very encouraged by the time we spent together, it has really been a unique experience, not only for the place of the meeting, but because of the warmth of the communion of the team. For me it has been an incredible time of renewal. Thanks
to everyone.


New materials were also introduced, such as materials for leaders on how to lead Multicultural teams and a new initiative for ministerial training based on a Competency Based Training model. Thank you for sharing this vision with us for all these years as we have developed these material and programs and invested in these lives and the many leaders/churches/ministries which they represent.

If you would like to see a summary video you can go to our website ( and click on YouTube icon on top. From our YouTube channel you can click on MCNet IC 2019 video under the Inspirational playlist.

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