Pastor Terry – Several months ago our office received a phone call from a pastor in Winnipeg who had heard of our leadership materials through contact with Javier in Cuba. Pastor Terry was going on a missions trip to Bolivia and wanted to use some of our Spanish materials. Upon his return he sent a follow up email:
“We are just getting ready to leave Bolivia after two weeks here. For three days I taught a workshop on Mentoring with some help from my wife Pat and a Bolivian professor at the Seminary. We had perhaps 20 pastors and professors in attendance. I have passed on to David some more of your material on mentoring, but those that attended the meeting only got the notes from the first session on Developing Others 1 (Desarollando Otros 1).
I am hopeful that more training on mentoring can take place and perhaps your material from ICM can be used. Once again, thanks Phil for your generous spirit and the great material that you have prepared. It was well received and provoked great discussion.”
Pastor Terry