Latin America/Caribbean Reports


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Phil joined Carlos (Dominican Rep.) in Cuba in June to train the trainers  (MCNet Coaches), who are part of the leadership network that Raydel first began in this country (the Samaritan Network). 

These leaders are the key leadership in the development of five training centers across Cuba. ICM first went to Cuba ten years ago and this is a small part of the fruit of that training over the years. However, instead of it being merely a foreign initiative, local Cuban leaders are now facilitating this training in their own country.

Carlos (who lives in DR) and his team are expanding the training in his country as well as providing the support and initiative for the growing network in Cuba. It is a privilege for ICM Canada to partner with these faithful leaders (for latest video update go to and click on YouTube icon at top right).


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    It has been nearly ten years since Phil first went to Cuba and Raydel & Madelines participated in the leadership training workshops. They since developed a network of leadership training in the country through their organization, the Samaritan Network.

In the last couple years they moved to Dominican Republic and introduced our ministry to Carlos. Now they are together facilitating the leadership training in that island nation.  With their team they are also expanding the leadership training into other surrounding countries such as Cuba, Puerto Rico, Panama, Mexico, as well as Haiti.

Their team is made up of Dominicans, Americans, Haitians and Cubans and they meet regularly in DR in order to strategize for their vision of leadership training in

Central America and the Caribbean region. Particularly in Haiti, there are many challenges in the country that are affecting the network. Thank you for your prayers for the work in these countries.

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