Carlos, our MCNet* regional coordinator for Latin America, recently taught a leadership workshop for young leaders in the Dominican Rep (DR). Together with Raydel and his team they are preparing to expand the leadership training into Guatemala and other countries in Latin America. Phil will be with their team in DR in late May to facilitate a spiritual retreat using the new material Phil has developed, Finishing the Race. As we all know, starting anything is relatively easy….it is the finishing that is a challenge. The Apostle Paul wrote, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith, ….” (2 Tim 4:7) Our goal as a ministry is to assist and equip all of our team members, like Paul, to finish the race that God has laid out for them; in their personal lives as well as in their ministries. Finishing the race means passing on the baton of leadership to the next generation. Just as Paul was writing to his younger protégé, Timothy, so these pictures depict Carlos investing in the next generation in DR. Together with their team, our goal as a ministry is to see this replicated throughout Latin America.
* MCNet (Ministry Coaching Network) is a ministry initiative of ICM. It is a network of like-minded leaders committed to mentoring the next generation of leaders within their region/country.