Leadership Challenges in Cuba
Javier, (MCNet Cuba) – The following is a report from Javier, who is providing leadership to the Ministry Coaching Network in Cuba. Together with Raydel, they continue to develop a network of coaches who are training other leaders across the country. Javier reports:
“We continue to do the work of the ministry and see the thirst in the brethren who, although it’s not very common for many to accept the challenge of leadership here, are having a wonderful experience as they see many youth being stirred by the Lord to serve in different areas of ministry.
We have testimonies from different churches in Cuba that are working with the vision of mentoring and are developing leaders; here in my city there is already the first generation that has begun to mentor others and in addition to that, those that are mentoring others including one that is already working in the ministry and has begun to mentor another. I have asked two more youth to be mentors and we are already developing them.
Another young man is involved in a street ministry called “Mission Street.” His overseer wanted to send him to work as a pastor in a church and yet he told me that this would end his dreams for those in the streets. As I mentored him, I was able to help him expand his vision for this ministry. Often in our context the only ministry that is “acceptable” is the pastor of a church. Through what we learned through MCNet and ICM I was able to help him see where his gifts could best be used. (This is a picture of him and his wife, Usiel and Tay).”