Early this year Deo went with his team to Senegal. He was able to continue training leaders with the MCNet leadership materials as well as share the gospel within several Muslim villages. Deo’s unique background (once being a leading Muslim Imam in Africa) gives him great credibility as he shares the Gospel among Muslims. It was encouraging for the team to be able to see several people from these villages become new followers of Jesus.
Through his partnership with another organization Deo was able to distribute many Solar Audio Bibles in the local language and then was also the keynote speaker at a John Maxwell Leadership graduation in Equatorial Guinea (a Spanish speaking island nation off the coast of Cameroon, W. Africa).
Thank you for your ongoing prayers for Deo and Sarah, their family, and their ministry to West Africa. The training of leaders in Senegal continues to be a priority for MCNet. While the mentoring materials have been translated into French, the current need is to finish the translation of the Workshops, Coaching Guide, and Evaluation Tools in the series.