Ministry in the Former East Germany

IMG 7035web ICM CanadaSince being part of one of Phil’s first mentoring cohorts in Berlin some twenty years ago, much has happened in Karl’s life. He and Claudia (who grew up in East Germany) now have four children and have been pastoring a church in the eastern part of Germany (Magdeburg) for the past seventeen years.

Magdeburg  (pop. 200,000) is about an hour west of Berlin. Being in the former East Germany, it had few minority immigrants, but in recent years this has changed as there has been an influx of asylum seekers from countries such as Afghanistan, Iran, and now Ukraine. Being multi-lingual (English, German, Spanish, French) Karl is perfectly suited to lead what has become a multi-ethnic church. They have members from India, Mexico, Nigeria, Russia, Cuba and conduct services in English and German.IMG 2141web ICM Canada

As Karl’s ministry has developed, he has had the opportunity to mentor several church planters from different denominations in Germany as well as provide leadership to church planters in his own denomination. He continues to use the ICM MCNet materials as he guides and coaches these church planters.

Throughout his ministry, missions beyond his own church has been Karl’s passion. He has travelled extensively with Phil, most recently to Ukraine before the outbreak of the war. He will soon be in Egypt as his mission board is refocusing their efforts into this region of the Africa. Plans are being made to host a ICM retreat with them and Maxym/Anya (from Ukraine) in Germany later this year.

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