New Discipleship Materials

We have begun to introduce our new Discipling thru Intentional Relationships with our various ministry coaches in the Network. As was mentioned in the last Update, this material is designed to help someone grow as a believer, while our Mentoring Guides (see above) are intended to help someone grow as a leader.

. . . this Guide can be easily used cross culturally and cross denominationally, which makes it even more valuable. I am really thankful to Doug and Phil for their efforts in putting this material together and for helping the Church of today to focus on developing not just programs, but people – from new converts to church leaders. Maxym, Church Planter,
Multiply Ukraine, E. Europe

     Those using the English versions are providing encouraging feedback, but we have now begun the translation into other languages. After reading Guide 1, a pastor in Canada, who had been thinking of starting a new work in his town, realized that this relational approach to discipling was exactly what he had been looking for. Though an experienced church planter and pastor, this material rekindled his passion for discipleship and provided a way forward for him to begin a new ministry in his community.      

The feedback we have received over the years is what motivated us to write these discipleship materials based upon a relational approach that Jesus modeled. Thank you for your continued support for the translation into Russian, Spanish and French so that we can provide these to believers around the world in their own language. Our translation budget for this year is approximately $15-20,000.

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