Really?! Another Discipleship Book?
Discipling thru Intentional Relationships is designed as a guide to a personal relationship to help someone grow as a new believer (or an older believer who was never grounded in the faith). Over the years leaders were trying to use our Mentoring Guides to disciple new believers, but they were not really written with that goal or purpose.
I believe this timely work stands alone in that it addresses the key issue being craved in this generational setting—the desire for intentional relationships. Disciples are not born, they are made. . . intentionally!
Gary Cooper, Missionary /Teacher Living Word Ministries
While there are segments of the Mentoring Guides that would be helpful for anybody, they were not really intended for new believers. The assumption was that those using them were already grounded in the faith and were mature disciples of Jesus. What we have learned over the years is that this is often un unrealistic assumption. In many parts of the world, many who get saved and become leaders, do not even have a basic foundation of their faith. They may have knowledge but have never learned how to develop a vibrant relationship with Jesus.
. . . this Guide can be easily used cross culturally and cross denominationally, which makes it even more valuable. I am really thankful to Doug and Phil for their efforts in putting this material together and for helping the Church of today to focus on developing not just programs, but people – from new converts to church leaders.
Maxym Oliferovski, Church Planter,
Multiply Ukraine, Eastern Europe
This material is specifically designed to take a new follower of Jesus, or even a spiritual seeker, and guide them (hopefully with another person) from the first principles of walking with Jesus to being a mature believer. It is not just passing on information, or checking off a doctrinal checklist, but rather helping them experience what it means to be a real disciple of Jesus.