Report from Senegal

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On a recent  trip to Africa, Phil crossed the Africa continent flying from Dar es Salaam on the Indian Ocean to Dakar, Senegal on the Atlantic. There he met Deo Mwamba, who is the Ministry Coach for W. Africa, who has been traveling there for years to minister to Muslims and encourage and equip Christian leaders. The focus has been in the town of Mbour, which is about an hour from the capital of Dakar along the Atlantic.

A ministerial group of interdenominational leaders in the city had invited Phil and Deo to introduce them to Mentoring and the MCNet training process for church teams.  In this predominately Muslim country (over 90%), the Christian churches often find themselves under pressure and do not get much leadership training, so the leaders were very appreciative and motivated. 

Over the course of two days they introduced the importance of developing leaders through a mentoring process in order to increase their capacity to assimilate new believers and begin new churches. While it is still early days with this group, it was encouraging to see their hunger for training and willingness to partner as we together seek to strengthen the church in their region.

Deo will continue to travel regularly to this region to train these leaders, as well as continuing to pursue his passion of reaching Muslims with the same Good News that transformed his life over twenty years ago from a Muslim leader to a trainer of Christian leadership (he was trained in Medina and professor of Islam for 20 years in Dar es Salaam).

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Please continue to pray for the believers in Senegal and other African countries that are predominately Muslim, that they would have the courage to share their faith. As happened with Deo, God is speaking to the followers of Muhammad through the Koran, in dreams, as well as through the witness of followers of Jesus.

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