Russia – the Next Generation

Alexei and Tatiana continue to provide leadership  in many capacities in Moscow and Russia. We first connected with Alexei as he was our team’s translator for our workshops and coaching sessions in Moscow and surrounding regions. He has provided many innovative approaches to training as the president of an evangelical seminary in Moscow. In part by using our mentoring and coaching materials he has been a positive influence within his spheres of ministry.

Several years ago Phil/Nancy and Karl/Claudia joined Alexei’s team from Moscow for a youth conference in Poland. The following article explains this ministry and its goals. Many of these young leaders that have been mentored (, Mentoring thru Intentional Relationships) are now serving in greater capacities in their churches in Moscow. It is a privilege to be in relationship with such a dedicated (and talented!) couple, Alexei and Tatiana, who are also part of our international Ministry Coaching Network (MCNet).

The following is an explanation of the ministry designed to impact the next generation of Russian Christian leaders by Alexei:

“Kontakt” ( ) is a Christian network created to help kids, teenagers and youth to find their Christian identity, discover their abilities and places of ministry. We want the next generations to build their lives on Christian foundation, to understand the changing world better and to become people of influence.

 “Kontakt” has been started 10 years ago with a 10-day trip of fifteen adults and kids. Since that time several  hundred children, teenagers and youth have participated in numerous activities of “Kontakt”. The main activities of “Kontakt” are trips and camps for children, teenagers and youth. Three summer and one winter projects involve 120-150 participants every year. Summer camps for 6-9 years old children and 10-13 years old teenagers take place in a campground located 200 km from Moscow. For five years we also do international trips for 14-17

years old teenagers. Three camps in Poland in years 2012-2014 included trips to Germany and Czech Republic. In summer 2016 we organized camp in Riga, Latvia. During these international trips we emphasize the changes brought to the world by faith and labor of Christians. We hope that understanding of relation between Christian faith and cultural changes in Europe after Reformation would cause some young people to seek God’s calling in their lives. Another benefit of such international trips is development of relationships with the Christian youth in Europe.

 One of the main emphases of our activities is leadership development. We conduct various seminars, staff training, simulation and role-playing games, so that our team members would develop their leadership potential and would be ready to take upon themselves higher responsibilities in further trips and camps. Most children who regularly participated in “Kontakt” projects become committed Christians. They serve actively in their local churches and share the Gospel with their peers. We are proud to see that last two years the team of our children camps consists mostly of young people who came to us in a very young age 8-10 years ago. The fact that now they serve next generation inspires us to continue existing and develop new projects of “Kontakt”.

 From 2017 “Kontakt” plans to open a new project for 18-23 year old college and university students. This project aims to develop international contacts for Christian youth and their professional growth based on a Christian worldview. We are looking for partners who would see this project as an opportunity to fulfill their vision of developing leadership among young Christians.

 We believe that network “Kontakt” will continue to help young and adult Christians to grow in knowledge of God and their calling, to develop friendships, and participate together in fulfilling God’s mission in this world.

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