Russia Update
MCNet also has ministries in Russia who are part of the network and have unlimited access to our materials and coaching. Earlier this year plans were being made to meet with our Russian and Ukraine Network Coaches in Riga, Latvia. Due to various reasons, and now in light of the travel restrictions, this meeting will not take place. One of the conclusions from last year’s MCNet International Consultation in Wittenberg was that there was a need to have more of these regional meetings.
As the ministry has expanded, it is not always possible to get to every country every year and so having these regional meetings would be a solution. Coaches from each region would invite leaders from surrounding countries in order to be encouraged, receive training on new materials that ICM develops for the network (a Regional Consultation is being planned for Latin America later this year).
This is particularly necessary for those who are serving in Russia and Ukraine as there are travel restrictions to enter each other’s country as well as for Phil who still cannot receive a visa for Russia. The good news is that the work in each of these countries carries on, ICM’s investment over the last fifteen years in the lives of Russian leaders continues to bear fruit.
One couple that we have been in relationship with over these years is Valera and Narina. We first worked with them and their Family of Churches in the Caucasus region. They have now recently moved to St. Petersburg to begin a ministry there as they continue to disciple new believers and mentor potential leaders. Recently they wrote the team:
Dear friends,
Thanks for your prayers and care.
Valera has begun to mentor three guys and we have also started a ministry to couples (using your marriage materials) and have 23 couples who participate. Some of the couples we work with have also started serving orphans. Valera visits the orphanages and is working with those aging out of the system to help them identify a potential future career and organizes ways for them to get work experience. I’m (Narina) am working with the women ex-orphans and women who suffered sex abuse and domestic violence . At the moment there is a team of eight women working with me.
We are excited that four new families recently became followers of Jesus and have started visiting the church. We have begun going through the first Discipleship manual with them, as well as teaching them how to have a biblical marriage.
Thanks again,
Valera and Narina
St. Petersburg, Russia
Thank you for praying for the ongoing work in Russia. As travel opens up again, and schedules allow, we hope to meet with those in Russia and Ukraine for a regional meeting to encourage and equip these leaders as they serve others.