Vulnerable in Ukraine

In another city in U2worVQLb0CEkraine, Olga translated the sessions. She actually had attended the seminar in Ukraine last fall and since then has been using our materials to help her mentor others. As she said, “the Guides were just what I was looking for.” It was a pleasant surprise to have her as our translator on this trip. Not only was she a great translator, but she was able to share how she had been using the materials to mentor several people. She also taught our mentoring workshop in the local Bible School.

“I believe mentoring is what we need in our churches. The thing is that everyone is in desperate need for authentic relationships which go beyond talking about what we do and to talking about who we are in Christ and how that should affect my life.

For that we need to be open and vulnerable in our ministry, we need to invest in people spending time with them, we need to encourage them to grow and reach their God-given potential. That I believe every Christian should do in the Body of Christ. Mentoring is all about that kind of relationship. To get so closely involved with people is not that easy, but that is what Christ has done with his disciples. So we should do that as well.

Through your seminars I get encouraged to have mentoring as my life style – and I am working on that now.”    


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