It is a real privilege to have Deo and Sarah Mwamba as partners in ministry. Their focus is West Africa where they equip leaders as part of our Ministry Coaching Network.
Deo’s heart for the unreached led him to the tribal people of interior of DR Congo over a decade ago. Over the years he has travelled to the equatorial jungles of his native country and has seen a ministry established among them. In January he returned to encourage the work that has now been continuing. In just the last two years another forty-three churches have been planted.
From here he flew to Senegal to do some follow up training with leaders using our leadership training materials. Deo is working together with local Christian leaders in order to start a missionary center that will help to equip local leaders for mission and church planting. Thank you for your prayers for Deo and Sarah and their family as they continue to develop a center in Senegal for West Africa.