What is K2.4.2?

20180305 210841 800x450 ICM CanadaTogether with Carlos, Raydel and Madelines continue to train leaders across the Dominican Rep. As you may recall, Raydel and Madelines are from C*u*b*a and joined Carlos to implement the MCNet leadership training in DR (called K2.4.2). In March several C—- leaders travelled to DR in order to receive further training that they could take back to C—.

Carlos and his team in DR have had a vision for C— for many years and have been helped the leaders and the church there in many ways over the years. ICM will be joining with Carlos and his team as they continue to serve the Church in C— by training its leaders. While this includes training and materials, the importance of coming alongside of these C—– leaders and encouraging them cannot be overstated.

Many years ago, when ICM was first asked to come to C—, we trained Javier, who has since been mentoring leaders and training others to do so in his denomination. When the Jeske’s and Friesens were in DR in March, Javier joined them from C—- so that they could discuss and strategize with Carlos and Raydel how to best continue the leadership training in C—-.

The plan at this point is to have three minister centers across the country and in April Phil will be going to C— with Carlos in order to travel to these areas with Javier and begin to implement the leadership training in a more targeted and intentional way.IMG 6941 ICM Canada

Javier sent the following email recently:

Greetings brother Phil and brothers in the ministry. We are always encouraged to hear news of the work that our fellow workers do in different parts of the world. We keep praying that God will open doors everywhere.

Here we are already in a new beginning and we see how God is opening doors for the expansion of his kingdom. After some meetings with leaders in Havana, where we are already working, we have developed the vision for the city and we have developed a plan of where we are going in the future.

I have began an initiative with about 120 Christians who have been mobilized for evangelism. They have lists of 10 friends each to pray for and present the Word to them. The next step will be to emphasize the need of discipleship with  those who have come to the Lord. We have already been teaching your workshop, Developing Others as we prepare to mentor leaders and help them find others to mentor.

Last Monday we had a time of prayer with 80 people in the place known as the “Christ of H—–.” It is the highest point of the city and we met to pray to the Lord for our country. Thank you for your prayers for C— and challenges we face. Our prayer for you is from 1 Cor. 15:58, “Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.”



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