Leadership Blog

  • What Makes You Tick? January 15, 2015

    Dr. Phil – It does not take long when talking about leadership, teams, and organizational development to mention values. But what are values? And why are they important? You have read in this and previous Updates about how those in ...

  • Hockey Player Philosophy December 6, 2014

    Dr. Phil – Paul Henderson (a bit of a Canadian hockey hero from Canada-Russia series in 1972), commenting on what it takes to succeed, said: Start Small, Think Big, Go Deep, Finish Well. As we wrap up 2014 and look ...

  • Politics and the Body of Christ May 3, 2014

    Dr. Phil  – While it is important to not allow current geopolitical struggles sidetrack us from pursuing our primary goal of leadership training and building healthy churches, it is impossible not to be affected by current world events. As we ...

  • God’s Will & Narcissism March 3, 2014

    Dr. Phil  –   At one point or another, we have all wrestled with the question: What is God’s will for my life? For most of us our life path is anything but a straight line, with our fair share of ...

  • Global Millennials January 27, 2014

    Dr. Phil – They wear similar clothes, listen to similar music, use social media sites, and don’t remember a time without the internet. . . .this describes the first truly global generation, the Millennials (born roughly between 1984 and ...