Leadership Blog

  • Its been 500 Years December 28, 2016

    Dr. Phil: Well its 2017 – Not sure what special events you may be looking forward to celebrating this year. . .for my wife and I it is 35 years of marriage, nearly the same in ministry and 28 years ...

  • Streams in the Desert November 3, 2016

    Dr. Phil – As the year 2016 draws to a close it seems like an appropriate time to reflect on the year that was. As with every year, including the upcoming one, there are no rehearsals or do-overs; we travel ...

  • The Right Stuff September 2, 2016

    Dr. Phil – As a ministry our focus is helping leaders train up others. If leaders fail to do this, not only do they fail in their fundamental responsibility, but Gospel witness in a community and nation suffers. Yet what ...

  • Developing Leaders Not Dependency September 2, 2016

    Dr. Phil – The strategies and methods to fulfill the Great Commission (Matt. 28:19-20 – “Go into all the worlds and make disciples. . .”) is as varied as the gifts/personality of the missionary, the society in which they work, ...

  • Playing the Long Game April 26, 2016

    Dr. Phil – In addition to my overseas travel schedule, I have been teaching a History of Missions course at a local bible school (in Canada). The  course focuses on the individuals and movements that have been faithful to the ...