As your days, so shall your strength be!
It’s sometimes amazing what God can use to encourage and inspire us. The other day, I heard something that got me thinking. The radio broadcast mentioned that Willi Nelson had just released his second album of the year, at the age of 91! Now I can’t say I am a big fan, but over the years I have been known to do my own rendition of “On the Road Again,” as I would leave another hotel and country. Of course travel companions are sworn to secrecy!
His music may not be your cup of tea and he is likely not on the top of our list as a role model for our children/grandchildren (unlike Willi on pg 3!). But setting the music and role model issues aside, you got to admit turning out albums in his nineties is pretty impressive. So this got me thinking, “If a guy like Willi Nelson can make that effort in his nineties, producing what will have a pretty short shelf life in light of eternity, how much more should we, who have an eternal message, continue making our Kingdom contribution as long as God gives us breath?”
Of course, nothing we can do for God can make him love us any more or less. It’s not about doing works to gain favor. Yet the reality is that, regardless of our age, we all need purpose and meaning every day. As we go through the stages of life, the type of activities will change and, obviously, we do need to learn to pace ourselves a bit more. While this looks a bit different for each of us, we can continue to seek to fulfill the purposes for which God put us on this earth.
As I look back on a lifetime of living and travelling overseas, my role has changed and adapted several times over the years. Our regional MCNet Coaches now expand the training into new countries and regions, while I focus on mentoring and coaching the team. The goal continues to be to develop others who can expand the ministry beyond just my efforts or even ICM Canada’s reach. This is the whole purpose of mentoring – seeing others go beyond us. In this way a Network is more resilient and sustainable than a centralized organizational approach.
We so appreciate your continued partnership, some of you who have been on this journey with us for many decades! Your prayers and support enable us to provide materials and coaching through our regional team meetings. Recently, I have also begun a new multi-year project to produce podcasts based on all my teachings over the years. Hopefully you’ll check them out.
As we approach Christmas and the New Year, we pray that God will encourage and inspire you during this Season. Whatever challenges you may be facing personally, or in your family, be assured that God has not forgotten you, He is still at work in your life. In the last few years, Deut. 33:25 has taken on greater meaning, “…..and as your days, so shall your strength be!” Maybe you can relate to this. It’s sure good to remember that his grace is new every day.