MCNet Christian Leadership Institute (CLI)

MCNet Christian Leadership Institute (CLI)

The MCNet Christian Leadership Institute is a global Competency Based Mentorship for those called to serve the Church or involved in some aspect of Christian Ministry. It is an initiative of International Christian Ministries and CLIMB and based upon the Coaching thru Intentional Relationships program.

For information on enrolling in the program as a mentor or candidate visit MCNet Christian Leadership Institute . You can use this material to train your own leaders or team. Successful completion will earn the candidate a MCNet Certificate in Christian Leadership or an Advanced Certificate in Christian Ministry. This is an innovative new approach of formalized ministerial training that goes beyond just focusing on time based or credential based learning. The Ministry Coaching Network (MCNet) is a global community of leaders who share the values of servant leadership and mentoring as a foundation for reproducing healthy churches.


The free Orientation Manual is available as a free download. It explains the program and how you could benefit from this program yourself or use it to train other leaders on your team.

From our Resource Page each of the 40 competencies in the program can be downloaded.Each includes the complete syllabus, assessments and reading materials. You may access these materials without doing the program for credit as described below.

To view other leadership resources available as downloads.

LEADERSHIPmatters with Dr. Phil Podcasts

To view other leadership podcast series, visit our LEADERSHIPmatters Podcast page.


  • Episode 1.10: Godly Character February 5, 2025Episode 1.10: Godly Character

    The foundational competency of the Christian leader is self-competency in the area of their character. The guideline for this is based on God’s Word, which is the measure of our growth in this area.

  • Episode 1.20: Core Values February 5, 2025Episode 1.20: Core Values

    Core values are the traits, convictions and passions that form the basis for character development and ministry effectiveness. Core values are different from beliefs and assumptions in that values usually are the expression or reflection of these.

  • Episode 1.30: Spiritual Disciplines February 5, 2025Episode 1.30: Spiritual Disciplines

    The Spiritual Disciplines are specific activities and practices taught throughout Scripture that facilitate a personal relationship with God and leads to a greater understanding and growth in our faith.

  • Episode 1.40: Spiritual Gifts February 5, 2025Episode 1.40: Spiritual Gifts

    The Spiritual Gifts are special abilities and qualities given my God to believers in order to fulfill the purpose of his Body here on earth. Together with a leader’s character and values, understanding one’s gifts is essential in fulfilling one’s life and ministry purpose as a leader.

  • Episode 1.50: Ministry Calling February 5, 2025Episode 1.50: Ministry Calling

    According to our gifts, some have been given the opportunity and responsibility to have a role of equipping other believers in the Body of Christ. This sphere of influence or “ministry” is not so much a position as it is an avenue of service to others.

  • Episode 1.60: Leadership Philosophy February 6, 2025Episode 1.60: Leadership Philosophy

    A leader’s philosophy of leadership based upon a biblical model of servanthood will influence every decision the leader makes and how congruent their activities are with their values and identity.

  • Episode 1.70: Leadership Capacity February 6, 2025Episode 1.70: Leadership Capacity

    Leadership Capacity is having a realistic understanding of leadership capability and function based on skill development and experience while taking into consideration issues of character, gifts, motivation and growth potential.

  • Episode 1.80: Lifelong Learning February 6, 2025Episode 1.80: Lifelong Learning

    Lifelong learning is a necessary leadership practice that is important for continued growth, adapting to change, dealing with challenges, and perseverance over the marathon of ministry.

  • Episode 2.10: Emotional Intelligence February 6, 2025Episode 2.10: Emotional Intelligence

    Leaders often work in stressful or potentially stressful circumstances associated with demanding situations and people. High emotional intelligence enables the leader to manage their emotions and work well under pressure.

  • Episode 2.20: Team Dynamics February 6, 2025Episode 2.20: Team Dynamics

    This competency measures the ability to build cohesive groups, identify and empower others in their gifts and skills, and communicate in such a way that others gain a strong sense of ownership and responsibility for a common vision.

  • Episode 2.30: Communication February 6, 2025Episode 2.30: Communication

    Communication is the indispensable skill required for every leader. It is important to recognize that each of these skills is influenced by the leader’s experience, awareness, focus, personality, emotional intelligence, degree of sincerity and level of respect for others.

  • Episode 2.40: Mentoring Intelligence February 6, 2025Episode 2.40: Mentoring Intelligence

    Mentoring is a process by which, through a personal relationship, one leader helps another person reach their God-given goals. Mentoring others is essential in fulfilling God’s calling in the leader’s life, for without this it will be unlikely that they will finish well in ministry.

  • Episode 2.50: Interpersonal Health February 6, 2025Episode 2.50: Interpersonal Health

    Leaders invest a lot of time developing the obvious leadership skills of vision, strategy, executing a plan and motivating people. This section will examine interpersonal health by focusing on the importance of healthy personal boundaries in the life of a leader.

  • Episode 2.60: Marriage and Family February 6, 2025Episode 2.60: Marriage and Family

    The leader’s marriage and family is foundation to all that a leader does in ministry. It is impossible to build strong teams in ministry without first having a strong marriage team (The First Team). The key components covered in this competency relate to the health of the leader’s marriage.

  • Episode 2.70: Cultural & Generational Intelligence February 6, 2025Episode 2.70: Cultural & Generational Intelligence

    Cultural Intelligence, is an indicator of one’s capacity to adapt to others cultures and work with those from other cultures to accomplish common goals. This may be across diverse ethnic cultures in other countries or one’s own passport country.

  • Episode 3.10: Biblical Knowledge February 6, 2025Episode 3.10: Biblical Knowledge

    Having a firm grasp of the content of the Bible is crucial for the leader who feels called to serve the body of Christ. They must be able to faithfully handle the word of truth in order to help others do the same.

  • Episode 3.20: Biblical Interpretation February 6, 2025Episode 3.20: Biblical Interpretation

    This process of Biblical Interpretation includes getting to the original meaning of the text (exegesis) and then applying this in the “here and now” in whatever culture they are ministering within (hermeneutics).

  • Episode 3.30: Biblical Communication February 6, 2025Episode 3.30: Biblical Communication

    It is important for a Christian leader to be able to communicate biblical truth to those they influence. This competency will focus on the ability of the candidate to prepare and deliver biblical knowledge effectively in various contexts.

  • Episode 4.10: Historical Theology February 6, 2025Episode 4.10: Historical Theology

    Each generation builds upon previous ones and so it is important to know one’s own particular historic context. This competency provides a historical context for our theological roots and the era and setting in which they were developed.

  • Episode 4.20: Basic Theology February 6, 2025Episode 4.20: Basic Theology

    As a Christian leader, the candidate’s view of the world should be shaped by their theology rather than their theology shaped by the world. This competency will evaluate the candidate’s understanding of theological concepts and language.

  • Episode 4.30: Applied Theology February 6, 2025Episode 4.30: Applied Theology

    The discipline of studying Christian theology has limited value if it is not understood in terms of how it shapes understanding of personal spiritual growth, cultural issues, ethics, morality, relational dynamics, as well as organizational applications.

  • Episode 5.10: Organizational Culture February 6, 2025Episode 5.10: Organizational Culture

    If leadership is not aware of culture is affecting the whole organization’s purpose and values then they will be controlled by this culture rather than being able to manage it.

  • Episode 5.20: System Analysis February 6, 2025Episode 5.20: System Analysis

    System analysis is a learned skill set which as a discipline helps the leader determine if the organization is fulfilling its purpose and what changes need to be made in order for it to be a healthy reproducing organism.

  • Episode 5.30: Ministry Models February 6, 2025Episode 5.30: Ministry Models

    Having the appropriate structure or form in order to accomplish ministry goals is essential. Consequently, it is critical for the effective leader to be able to evaluate ministry models in the context of the values and purpose of the organization.

  • Episode 5.40: Organizational Change February 6, 2025Episode 5.40: Organizational Change

    If the organization does not have a process for continued renewal and change it will eventually die, which is defined as no longer fulfilling its purpose. Yet how to bring about organizational church is not easy.

  • Episode 5.50: Strategic Planning February 6, 2025Episode 5.50: Strategic Planning

    Without a working knowledge of how to design and implement a strategic plan, leaders and their organizations will flounder and never reach their potential. This is a ongoing process for leaders and organizations.

  • Episode 5.60: Resource Management February 6, 2025Episode 5.60: Resource Management

    The function of leadership is to provide the means to assess current resources and then increase the capacity of the organization so that it can increase its vision and fulfill its purpose.

  • Episode 5.70: Leadership Development February 6, 2025Episode 5.70: Leadership Development

    The long term health of an organization is directly related to the ability of the organization to develop its own leaders. Being able to grow one’s own leadership means that the organization is sustainable and able to reproduce itself and its vision.

  • Episode 5.80: Leadership Transition February 6, 2025Episode 5.80: Leadership Transition

    The art and practice of leadership succession is a competency that results in healthy organizations that fulfill their purpose beyond just the founder, charismatic leader or one generation.

More Resources

From our Resource Page each of the 40 competencies in the program can be downloaded.Each includes the complete syllabus, assessments and reading materials. You may access these materials without doing the program for credit as described below.

To view other leadership resources available as downloads.

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