7. Global Strategies Workshop


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This workshop is designed to help leaders understand the big picture of God’s mission in this world and then take practical steps to implement strategies in their own ministries, which will be further expounded in Local Strategies. It can be used as a basic missions 101 course for leaders in your church or organization.



Before discussing the purpose of the local church (Local Strategies), this workshop provides a missions overview. From the Old and New Testament and then the record of Church history, God’s heart for all people groups is discussed with the resultant application for our day. Modern mission principles are covered as well as the E and P Matrixes and how they relate to the various mission stages of development in any given field.

This workshop is designed to help leaders understand the big picture of God’s mission in this world and then take practical steps to implement strategies in their own ministries, which will be further expounded in Local Strategies.


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