Christian Leadership Institute (CLI): Competency 5.40 – Organizational Change


Douglas E. Friesen
Phillip T. Jeske (PhD)

Complete competency syllabus and all reading materials

In order to keep the wineskin or structure of a ministry relevant and flexible change is inevitable and ongoing. One of the greatest challenges of the leader is to continue to change themselves, and then be a catalyst to bring about change in their organization and ministry. If the organization does not have a process for continued renewal and change it will eventually die, which is defined as no longer fulfilling its purpose. Yet how to bring about organizational church is not easy and at times seems to even require actions that are not necessary “common sense.” Therefore the leader needs to learn the skills necessary to bring about such change in order to keep their ministry and organization healthy and reproducing.


CLI – Christian Leadership Institute: Module 5.0 Organizational Life

The competencies in this module all reflect the understanding and skills a leader requires to deal with the bigger picture of their particular ministry context. In essence, organizations have characteristics of organisms and leaders need to understand how the culture of their context either encourages or discourages the shared values and goals of the individuals making up the organization as well as the organization as a whole, as an organism. Being able to analyze these factors and learn the basics of organizational development are critical for the leader to serve the organization by helping it achieve its intended purpose.

Competency 5.40 Organizational Change: Description and Rationale

In order to keep the wineskin or structure of a ministry relevant and flexible change is inevitable and ongoing. One of the greatest challenges of the leader is to continue to change themselves, and then be a catalyst to bring about change in their organization and ministry. If the organization does not have a process for continued renewal and change it will eventually die, which is defined as no longer fulfilling its purpose. Yet how to bring about organizational church is not easy and at times seems to even require actions that are not necessary “common sense.” Therefore the leader needs to learn the skills necessary to bring about such change in order to keep their ministry and organization healthy and reproducing.

The Authors

Doug Friesen is a pastor, teacher, church planter, mentor, ministry coach, and director of CLIMB, an organization that facilitates innovative ministries in Canada. Phil Jeske (PhD) is a missionary teacher, author, ministry coach and president of ICM, an international mission organization.  They are both specialists in their field of leadership development and travel internationally coaching teams within the Ministry Coaching Network (MCNet). They have a passion to mentor the next generation of servant leaders and help ministry teams start innovative ministries that will impact their nations. Both they and their wives  live near Vancouver, Canada with their grown children and grandchildren.


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