Christian Leadership Institute (CLI): Competency 6.10 – Fivefold Functions


Douglas E. Friesen
Phillip T. Jeske (PhD)

Complete competency syllabus and all reading materials

The premise each of the competencies in this module is that the fivefold functions of Ephesians are still to be expressed in the Body of Christ today and that the Church is best served if they are functioning in balance on ministry teams. This competency will lay a biblical foundation and historical context of these gifts as functions, based on a Christological framework. In addition, the theology of servant leadership and how this influences the exercise of these gifts will be discussed. This will be foundational for the other two competencies in this module.


CLI – Christian Leadership Institute: Module 6.0 Ministry Life

The competencies in this module are focussed on the understanding and application of the equipping gifts from Ephesians 4. It is assumed that candidates in the program will have one or more of these gifts functioning in their ministry life. These fivefold gifts are re-examined as functions for the Body of Christ as a reflection of the ministry of Christ to this world. Rather than seeing these gifts as “offices” or positions, they are put within the context of leadership functions, making the application as to how this impacts the balance of leadership teams and within Body of Christ as a whole.

Competency 6.10 Fivefold Functions: Description and Rationale

The premise each of the competencies in this module is that the fivefold functions of Ephesians are still to be expressed in the Body of Christ today and that the Church is best served if they are functioning in balance on ministry teams. This competency will lay a biblical foundation and historical context of these gifts as functions, based on a Christological framework. In addition, the theology of servant leadership and how this influences the exercise of these gifts will be discussed. This will be foundational for the other two competencies in this module.

The Authors

Doug Friesen is a pastor, teacher, church planter, mentor, ministry coach, and director of CLIMB, an organization that facilitates innovative ministries in Canada. Phil Jeske (PhD) is a missionary teacher, author, ministry coach and president of ICM, an international mission organization.  They are both specialists in their field of leadership development and travel internationally coaching teams within the Ministry Coaching Network (MCNet). They have a passion to mentor the next generation of servant leaders and help ministry teams start innovative ministries that will impact their nations. Both they and their wives  live near Vancouver, Canada with their grown children and grandchildren.


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