Christian Leadership Institute (CLI): Competency 8.10 – Apostolic Capacity


Douglas E. Friesen
Phillip T. Jeske (PhD)

Complete competency syllabus and all reading materials

This is the key function of the church in maintaining its core mission. It involves creating innovative structures in order to maintain the church’s relevance in the culture. It is always outward looking with an emphasis of expanding the Gospel through establishing new communities of believers. Leaders who have proficiency in the apostolic gift are those who are engaged in keeping the church/organization focused on the big picture and keeping the wineskins of ministry flexible in order to fulfill this function. This competency focuses on the skills necessary in order to grow and mature in this foundational equipping gift in order to best serve the Body of Christ.


CLI – Christian Leadership Institute: Module 8.0 Equipping Foundations

The competencies in this module are based upon the Fivefold Ministry materials introduced in Module 6.0. In that module the Fivefold Equipping gifts of Ephesians 4 were discussed as necessary for the Body of Christ to function most effectively as a expression of Jesus’ ministry here on this earth. In this module the focus will be looking at not only the functions of each of the fivefold gifts, but also how they are expressed in the callings of individuals within the Body of Christ.

Competency 8.10 Apostolic Capacity: Description and Rationale

This is the key function of the church in maintaining its core mission. It involves creating innovative structures in order to maintain the church’s relevance in the culture. It is always outward looking with an emphasis of expanding the Gospel through establishing new communities of believers. Leaders who have proficiency in the apostolic gift are those who are engaged in keeping the church/organization focused on the big picture and keeping the wineskins of ministry flexible in order to fulfill this function. This competency focuses on the skills necessary in order to grow and mature in this foundational equipping gift in order to best serve the Body of Christ.

The Authors

Doug Friesen is a pastor, teacher, church planter, mentor, ministry coach, and director of CLIMB, an organization that facilitates innovative ministries in Canada. Phil Jeske (PhD) is a missionary teacher, author, ministry coach and president of ICM, an international mission organization.  They are both specialists in their field of leadership development and travel internationally coaching teams within the Ministry Coaching Network (MCNet). They have a passion to mentor the next generation of servant leaders and help ministry teams start innovative ministries that will impact their nations. Both they and their wives  live near Vancouver, Canada with their grown children and grandchildren.


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