Christian Leadership Institute (CLI): An Orientation Manual


Douglas E. Friesen
Phillip T. Jeske (PhD)

Complete Orientation Manual for CLI Leadership Training

Coaching thru Intentional Relationships is a competency based approach to training leaders to serve the body of Christ with a mentorship focus at its core.  Rather than a traditional approach of learning based on inputs that often focuses on academic or head knowledge, this program is designed to assess outputs. The goal is to help each  candidate in the program be personally transformed and gain practical application and skills for serving the body of Christ with their gifts and calling.


MCNet CLI – Christian Leadership Institute: Orientation Manual

Coaching thru Intentional Relationships is a continuation of the “Intentional Relationships” series being used in the Ministry Coaching Network (MCNet). This Network of leaders was an initiative of ICM Canada over ten years ago. Since then there are affiliates around the world who are part of MCNet. Those in the network have access to the materials and programs and can access coaching by our network ministry coaches. (

The Competency Centered Leadership Training is a continuation of the growth and development of a person’s life who has been discipled (Discipling thru Intentional Relationships) mentored (Mentoring thru Intentional Relationships) and has now been identified as someone who is clearly progressing toward a leadership role in the church where they are serving.

This program has both “high tech” and a “high touch” components. For each country/region, mentors are developed, trained and paired to candidates to guide them as they progress through the program. However, the only way for a candidate to receive credit for their work will be to be enrolled as part of the Ministry Coaching Network (MCNet) Christian Leadership Institute. Candidates may earn either a Certificate in Christian Leadership and/or an Advanced Certificate in Christian Ministry.

You may be a Network Coach in a region responsible for developing mentors who will be able to guide candidates through this process. While ICM and the Network will provide ongoing workshops and resources as you develop your network of mentors, these orientation pages will help you as you begin. If you are mentoring a candidate through this program, the following pages will also help you as you guide them.

In Coaching thru Intentional Relationships, Friesen and Jeske have continued their writing and development collaboration using their combined eighty years of study and ministry experience. With both this pastoral and missionary experience, they have designed an extensive resource that is theologically sound, consistent with biblical values, and unique in methodology. This  approach will become increasingly necessary in order to meet the needs of the Church in training effective leaders, who will in turn be relevant in meeting the needs of their communities in the 21st Century.

MCNet Christian Leadership Institute Program

The MCNet CLI Certificate in Christian Leadership

1.0 Personal Life
2.0 Relational Life

3.0 Biblical Foundations
4.0 Theological Foundations

The MCNet CLI Advanced Certificate in Christian Ministry

5.0 Organizational Life
7.0 Missional Foundations

6.0 Ministry Life
8.0 Equipping Foundations

A Competency Based Program with a Mentoring Emphasis

Coaching thru Intentional Relationships is a competency based approach to training leaders to serve the body of Christ with a mentorship focus at its core.  Rather than a traditional approach of learning based on inputs that often focuses on academic or head knowledge, this program is designed to assess outputs. The goal is to help each  candidate in the program be personally transformed and gain practical application and skills for serving the body of Christ with their gifts and calling.

While this program provides materials to be studied and learning activities to be completed, the central focus of the program is that each candidate in the program has a mentor, rather than just a professor. This is consistent with Friesen and Jeske’s  other materials for discipling new believers (Discipling thru Intentional Relationships) and developing healthy Christian leaders (Mentoring thru Intentional Relationships), as well as the Ministry and Coaching Guides designed to help church teams grow. This relational focus, together rigorous assessments and competency evaluations, provides a unique learning experience enabling each candidate to gain proficiency in each competency as well as earn a MCNet Certificate in Christian Leadership or Christian Ministry.

Coaching thru Intentional Relationships – Preface

Coaching thru Intentional Relationships has the relational focus of the other leadership development materials we have developed and in this it adheres to our core value that leadership is best passed on through the process of mentoring. However, it is also unique in that it is more formal and targeted to ministers in the body of Christ.

Students and leaders who have used our other materials, Discipling thru Intentional Relationships (helping new believers grow in the faith) and Mentoring thru Intentional Relationships (designed to help Christians reach their leadership and kingdom potential) will recognize some of the materials used in this continuation of the series, however, this latest program in our “Intentional Relationship” series is quite unique in how this training is delivered. The principles and values are the same, but the model is different.

This unique approach has been informed by each of our life and ministry backgrounds, which involved training leaders in Canada, as well as Africa, East/West Europe and Latin America. For Doug this included being an academic dean at a Canadian bible college for nearly twenty years, as well as a church planter and church team coach. Phil spent his early ministry years helping to develop in-service theological training for pastors in Africa and then equipping leaders to raise up the next generation of leaders through a mentoring approach on  several continents.

With the context of our combined experience of eighty years of leadership development, we have been considering for some time now how we could provide solid theological training for those who are called to equip the body of Christ, while at the same time being consistent with our biblical value that leadership is best passed on through the mentoring process. So we embarked upon designing a program that would not lean to either extreme; not being so academic that it becomes merely theoretical knowledge, but at the same time having a serious enough focus that the theological training does not lack depth.

We believe that this competency based approach to ministerial training is a balanced approach to providing solid theological training, utilizing a methodology that emphasizes outputs (or what we are wanting to produce) rather than mere inputs such as pages read, assignments written, and exams passed), yet all within the context of a relational mentoring model.

This approach, from our experience, is how we can best train up the next generation of church leaders who have not just gained head knowledge but have gained a proficiency in both Leadership and Technical areas of the life and ministry. While the model may not be as common in Christian educational circles, it is more aligned to biblical values rather than enlightenment university models on which bible schools are founded and we believe will become more widespread in the decades ahead.

Coaching thru Intentional Relationships was initially developed to be used within our MCNet (Ministry Coaching Network) and within that context can also provide a certain recognition for each participant or candidate in the global Network. Though the primary goal is to train leaders for service within the body of Christ, having this international affirmation serves to provide a standard of excellence from which all leaders who successfully complete this program will be able to benefit. Candidates who complete the first four modules will earn a MCNet Certificate in Christian Leadership and those who are proficient in all eight models will receive a MCNet Advanced Certificate in Christian Ministry.

Our desire is that this material will be a blessing to the greater body of Christ as it is used to train up the next generation of leaders. In this, while a unique model, is as timeless as Paul’s admonition to Timothy to,  train up reliable leaders who will then be able to train others. . .(2 Tim. 2:2).

Doug & Phil

The Authors

Doug Friesen

Doug, and his wife Rebecca, planted their first church in the Vancouver area when they were in their early twenties. They pastored this church for ten years and served in various capacities of leadership with their denomination. A key emphasis was to serve as a transitional leader helping churches in transition and crisis. He also served for twenty years as a faculty member and for thirteen of those years as the Academic Dean of a local Bible School, initiating various innovations that led to growth in the face of the headwinds of decline in many Canadian Bible Schools. His interests continue to be in the area of the historical context of theology, church planting, and leadership development.

Doug is involved in various relational networks, mentoring those recovering from addictions, investing in young leaders and, through his “Life-long Leading” initiative, helping fallen ministers recover a place of health and service ( He was also instrumental in developing materials for the Church Planting Academy, which over ten years ago was adapted and expanded to be the core materials for the Ministry Coaching Network (MCNet).

In addition to his ministry in Canada, Doug travels internationally to train and equip the various coaches in the Network. He is currently the director of CLIMB, which is the Canadian expression of the International Ministry Coaching Network. It is a ministry that includes the church he and his wife pastor, as well as several other ministries. Doug and Rebecca have two grown married sons and four grandchildren and are passionate about finishing well and making sure they help as many ministers along the way do the same.

Phil Jeske

Phil began his ministry as a pastor in the 1980s, assisting in several church plants throughout his ministry, but his main calling is that of a cross-cultural teacher. As a family, they have lived as missionary/teachers in both Africa and Europe and he is currently the president of International Christian Ministries, Canada, a mission organization, which he and his wife founded in 1989 (

Dr. Jeske has a MA in Curriculum Development and a PhD. in Leadership and Organizational Development. He is the author of several books and leadership resources which are used throughout the Ministry Coaching Network (MCNet). Over ten years ago he initiated this network as a global community of coaches. These are leaders who are committed to being servant leaders who equip other leaders to mentor the next generation. The ultimate goal of the network is the establishment of relevant, missional ministries.

Phil and Nancy currently live near Vancouver, Canada, as does their adult daughter. Phil continues to travel extensively internationally, with the goal of equipping a generation of leaders who will be those mentors for future generations. He and his team also teach leadership workshops and coach ministry teams, helping them align their ministries with the ultimate purpose of the Church. For more information on these workshops and consultations contact


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