The Guide (75+ pages) is intended to function as an outline for the leader or consultant that is coaching a church, organization, or ministry team through the process of healthy leadership, teambuilding, and eventual church growth.
This Guide is not necessarily intended to be taught to everyone in the church or even everyone involved in some ministry in the church. It is a tool to be primarily used with denominational leaders or the core team of a church. It is for those who have the influence to make the changes at an organizational level. Depending on the size of the ministry or organization, how this is then implemented with others involved in the ministry, and the congregation as a whole, will vary. (To teach the principles to a wider audience, it is recommended that the Ministry Workshops material be used.)
For this process to be effective, the core team needs to see the need for change and be committed to the process. Ministry Coaches should begin the process with the core group by beginning to lay the foundation of mentoring and why this is important, for not only developing leaders, but also the future health and growth of the church. If a culture of developing others does not permeate the organization or church then the changes discussed will be nothing more than programs superimposed over existing values and belief systems.
The five sections in the Guide cover issues regarding culture and change in an organization/church and how leaders can caste vision and bring about change in effective ways. Practical tools such as the Ministry Flow Chart, Organizational Life Cycle, as well as other tools, help the facilitator provide a mirror for the ministry teams and organization as a whole, in order to evaluate their current state and what steps need to be taken to move forward.
The Coaching Guide is divided into Two Parts, each with Five Sections. Part One includes five sections with eight chapters. Each discusses various principles that are foundational to the corresponding Workshops. Each Section also has a Playbook Page that helps to chart a course forward for the leaders. Part Two of the Guide includes the various resources that will provide application for both the core team as well as the ministry as a whole.
There are five sections in the Resource Materials that directly correspond to the five sections of Part One of the Guide. They are printed on one side only for ease of reproduction (which should only be done as complete pages and according to which license agreement that has been purchased).
Section 1
This includes two assessments that can serve as indicators of an individual leader’s mentoring quotient, as well as the mentoring culture present in an organization or ministry. The more substantial resource that corresponds to this section is the Mentoring thru Intentional Relationships – Guide 1 & 2. These are two separate manuals designed to help someone initiate and sustain a mentoring relationship over a one to two year period.
Section 2
The key tool of the second section is the Church Health and Effectiveness Assessment. This seventy-five question assessment quantifies the strengths and weaknesses of a church based upon the Ministry Flow Chart and Organizational Life Cycle. The principles of these two tools is covered more extensively in both the Workshops and Coaching Guide chapters.
Section 3
The resources in Section 3 correspond to the Assessment in Section 2. The Ministry Flow Chart and Organizational Life Cycle are provided in a form that are easy to reproduce. Note, while it is most effective, it is not necessarily essential that the full questionnaire be given in order to evaluate a group. Coaches can use these tools, based upon the principles taught, without necessarily always doing the full questionnaire.
Section 4
This section provides tools to help a ministry go through transition, regardless if the organization is in a chaotic, comfortable, or healthy condition. Additional resources help to identify potential transitional leaders and the necessary skills and attitudes that they need to possess. This is typically more useful for denominations or fellowships that have grown to a size that they need to specialize. Due to their size, they typically always have churches in transitions and may find it helpful to consider having one or more leaders whose primary focus is on providing transitional ministry to the churches they serve.
Section 5
The purpose of developing a culture of mentoring relationships, growing leaders, and evaluating the health of the church is so that barriers will be removed and the church will be able to naturally multiply. One of the key tools to the expansion of the church is planting new churches. This section provides a one hundred and twenty question Church Planter’s Assessment. From this, the strengths and weaknesses of a church planting team can be identified in ten main categories. Corresponding Workshops for this section focus on mission and church growth principles.
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