Fundamental to being a Christian leader and serving in the body, is having an understanding regarding one’s calling. This may be in a full time, vocational capacity, or it may be by serving as a Christian in the marketplace.
All believers have a calling and purpose and it is God’s desire that they reach their full potential and make a significant contribution. However, before “doing” it is important that we understand “who” we are and have a firm foundation upon which to build our lives and ministries.
Leadership Foundations, as part of the Ministry Coaching Network, is designed to coach you through understanding your calling, and then what essential areas you need to deal with in your life in order to finish well as a leader. These notes can be used as the basis for a seminar as well as a short three month guide (one chapter per month) for a mentoring relationship. The first chapter provides a Timeline for the mentoree to complete, the second chapter has an extensive Gifts and Motivational Assessment, and the final chapter has a Role Survey tool.
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