Ministry Guide PowerPoints


All Eight Workshop PowerPoint Presentations
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This package include the PowerPoint Presentation of all EIGHT core workshops in the Church Health and Ministry Multiplication Series. They are designed to help the coach present the material in small or large settings. It is recommended that the Workbooks are also purchased as notes for the students. An invaluable tool is the Coaching Guide (sold separately) which provides the ministry coach with a complete process to help bring about transformational change within existing ministries, as well as lay the foundation for new healthy reproducing ministries. Both Workbooks and PowerPoint presentations for each workshop are available individually or as a package set.

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This package include the PowerPoint Presentation of all SEVEN core workshops in the Church Health and Ministry Multiplication Series. They are designed to help the coach present the material in small or large settings. It is recommended that the Workbooks are also purchased as notes for the students. An invaluable tool is the Coaching Guide (sold separately) which provides the ministry coach with a complete process to help bring about transformational change within existing ministries, as well as lay the foundation for new healthy reproducing ministries. Both Workbooks and PowerPoint presentations for each workshop are available individually or as a package set.


1. Leadership Foundations
Fundamental to being a Christian leader and serving in the body, is having an understanding regarding one’s calling. This may be in a full time, vocational capacity, or it may be by serving as a Christian in the marketplace. All believers have a calling and purpose and it is God’s desire that they reach their full potential and make a significant contribution. However, before “doing” it is important that we understand “who” we are and have a firm foundation upon which to build our lives and ministries.

 Leadership Foundations, as part of the Ministry Coaching Network, is designed to coach you through understanding your calling, and then what essential areas you need to deal with in your life in order to finish well as a leader. These notes can be used as the basis for a seminar as well as a short three month guide (one chapter per month) for a mentoring relationship. The first chapter provides a Timeline for the mentoree to complete, the second chapter has an extensive Gifts and Motivational Assessment, and the final chapter has a Role Survey tool.

2. Developing Others 1
This is the initial workshop which lays the foundation of biblical leadership and how this is essential for developing others through the process of one-on-one mentoring. The first chapter encourages the participant to consider what “success” is for them in life and ministry. The barriers to leading a life of significance are discussed based upon the biblical attributes of leadership. All cultures have been negatively influenced by sin and often in the church we also take the leadership models of the society around us. Issues regarding Authority vs. Power, Vulnerability vs. Pride, Releasing vs. Controlling and Accountability vs. Independence are discussed.

With this as a foundation, the art of Mentoring is explained, differentiating it from other relationships such as spiritual discipleship, parenting, spiritual fathering, counselling or just being a friend. Practical suggestions are also provided for both the mentor and mentoree as they begin such an intentional relationship designed for personal growth. The Mentoring thru Intentional Relationships model is also then explained. It is recommended that Mentoring thru Intentional Relationships Guide 1 be available for those that want to begin mentoring someone after the workshop.

3. Developing Others 2
This is a follow up workshop to Developing Others 1, which is intended to be taught after participants have begun a mentoring relationship. It begins to answer some of the questions that arise from a mentoring relationship. Issues regarding the various influences which affect mentoring relationships, such as Life and Ministry Stages, Church and Organizational Context, and the various functions that the mentoring relationship can provide. Unique to this material is an explanation of the Phases of a mentoring relationship and how understanding these increase the effectiveness of the relationship.

Often there are more individuals who want to be mentored than are available or willing to mentor. This workshop provides Peer Mentoring as a viable option for younger leaders. The various functions and levels of peer mentoring are discussed, as well as an emphasis on managing one’s relationship network and creating the conditions necessary to encourage mentoring type of relationships in ministries and organizations. It is recommended Mentoring thru Intentional Relationships Guide 2 be available for those who have begun the mentoring process and would like to continue with the second six chapters as a guide.

4. Team Building
Once a leader is developing other leaders through a mentoring relationship, the next step is to learn how to form a team of such leaders. This workshop is based upon the premise that ministry is a team sport and leaders in today’s world need to learn to effectively function in teams. Topics such as understanding how teams make decisions and how decisions are implemented are discussed. In order for a team leader to be effective they also need to understand themselves, from their personality to their default leadership style.

Two key tools are introduced in this workshop: The Pathway of Vision and the Ministry Flow Chart. These resources are explained and are part of the coaching guide as the leader moves forward in identifying potential team members and learning how they can best function together as a team.

5. Change Dynamics
One of the key skills a leader needs to learn to develop is how to help people move from where they are to where they want to go. This process of change begins with a vision (as discussed in Team Building), but has many components in order to be effective. This workshop explains why people typically resist change and the steps leaders can use to help those they lead transition into fulfilling the vision that God has corporately given them. Practical steps in implementing change are then provided.

The key tool introduced in this workshop is the Organizational Life Cycle. Using the VRPM (Vision, Relationship, Program, Management) criteria, leaders are taught how to understand what life stage their ministry/organizational is at and the dangers and opportunities to move forward to maturity.

6. Biblical Foundations
The purpose of this workshop in the series is to help leadership understand the connection between sound biblical teaching and church health. To accomplish this the workshop discusses the principles of both Exegesis and Hermeneutics – helping the leader understand the need to know the original meaning of the text and then how to apply it within their own cultural context.

This workshop also provides a brief overview of the various genre of Scripture and the unique principles of interpreting each of them. Though not an exhaustive hermeneutical course, it will provide a succinct overview necessary for the leader, as well as for others that the leader may want to expose to these principles, such as home group leaders and so on.

7. Global Strategies
Before discussing the purpose of the local church (Local Strategies), this workshop provides a missions overview. From the Old and New Testament and then the record of Church history, God’s heart for all people groups is discussed with the resultant application for our day. Modern mission principles are covered as well as the E and P Matrixes and how they relate to the various mission stages of development in any given field.

This workshop is designed to help leaders understand the big picture of God’s mission in this world and then take practical steps to implement strategies in their own ministries, which will be further expounded in Local Strategies.

8. Local Strategies
This workshop is a follow up to Global Strategies. It outlines the types of growth churches typically experience and provides tools to help leaders observe the community they are part of and how the unique giftings and callings of their team can be used of God to reach that community. Emphasis is placed on a multiplication mindset, which builds upon the principles of mentoring and team building already covered in previous workshops.

This is the culmination or goal of all the previous workshops. Once a leader understands the importance of mentoring and releasing others through a team approach, they can then be change agents so that the culture and values of the church align with God’s eternal purposes and the reason he has positioned their particular ministry in the community and context they find themselves. Through the various tools provided in the workshops as a team they can begin to develop a coherent and appropriate ministry strategy.



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