As with the Leadership Health Resources, these Team resources are provided in our various Guides, manuals and workshops. They are also provided as stand-alone tools, although it is recommended that they be used together with the corresponding workshop or teaching material. The downloaded PDFs are intended for educational purposes personally or within one ministry. Permission is NOT granted for mass printing or for resale.
CPLC–Church Planters & Leaders Competency Assessment
This is a 120 questions, ten category competency assessment designed to determine an individual leaders attributes to be involved in a church plant or ministry start up. While no one leader possess all of these, team leaders need to be strong in several key area, as these have shown to be indicators of ministry effectiveness. This tool can also be used to determine needed team members for a church plant according to giftings and function. This is best used in conjunction with a mentor who can help guide the mentoree in developing themselves and identify the type of team members necessary to be effective. It is also included in the Coaching Guide.
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