The Coaches

MCNet Coaches

group 2019 cropped ICM Canada

Being recognized as a Ministry Coach in the Network signifies that one identifies with the core values and is using our materials to bring about the transformation process with existing leaders and organizations or mentoring new leaders to develop new ministries and organizations. While each coach is part of the global network, they typically are engaged in local ministries and part of other organizations. MCNet does not have a hierarchical structure focused on position, rather it is a movement of like-minded leaders committed to raising up another generation of servant leaders within their context.

Currently we have Associate and Ministry Coaches in Eastern & Western Europe, Ukraine, Russia, Africa, Latin America, and North America.

Possible Coaching Options:

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Associate Coaches

Ministry Coaches

  • Share MCNet Values
  • Use MCNet materials in one’s own ministry
  • Coach and train Teams from other Organizations
  • Equip other Ministry Coaches
  • Develop Regional and/or National network
  • Invitation to Triennial Consultation
  • Unlimited access to resources

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Meet the Coaches

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Phil & Nancy

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After being associate pastor in the 1980s, Phil and Nancy began ICM Canada in 1989 and moved to Kenya with their young daughter in 1990 to do Pastoral training in East Africa. After this, they responded to a call for leadership training in the post-Soviet lands in the late 1990s and moved to Berlin in 2000. While there they developed the Mentoring materials and joined together with Doug and Rebecca and Gary to develop the rest of the Ministry Coaching materials. He has a BA in Theology, an MA in Curriculum Development, and a PhD in Organizational/Leadership Development. He currently teaches workshops, coaches teams and consultations around the world as well as being a catalyst for the Ministry Coaching Network.  or

Doug & Rebecca

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Doug and Rebecca began their ministry as church planters in Canada. They have also both effective teachers and Doug has also been the academic dean of a Bible School for many years. They have been catalysts for change in the Canadian church as they have mentored leaders, helped churches through transition, as well as being mediators of church conflict. Doug and Rebecca have also travelled internationally on behalf of the Network teaching on leadership and church health and are currently pastoring a church in Canada. Doug is the co-author of many of MCNet’s materials and is president of CLIMB Canada, providing leadership to the growing movement of MCNet in Canada. or

Rafik & Safia

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Rafik and Safia grew up in Tanzania and become followers of Jesus after growing up as Muslims. Rafik began his ministry as a evangelist in East Africa and also planted and pastored churches in Tanzania. With the heart of an evangelist, Rafik’s passion is to share the Good News of the Gospel in every aspect of his life. Currently they (and their six children and grandchildren) live in Canada. He is a trained counselor and works with at-risk adults struggling with addiction and homelessness as a Salvation Army chaplain. As an MCNet Coach, he also regularly travels to East Africa to train leaders and see the Church in Tanzania and East Africa mature and grow.

Gary & Gail

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Gary and Gail have been cross-cultural missionaries for over three decades. Their ministry began in Guatemala where they helped to lead a substantial ministry. From Latin America, they moved to Germany several months before the fall of the Berlin wall. For many years they pastored an international church in the city as well as being involved with a humanitarian organization providing aid to many developing nations. Gary has helped to develop the MCNet materials and has taught seminars on every continent. As a minister at large with the Network he continues to provide an oversight and advisory role.

Karl & Claudia

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Karl and Claudia are currently pastoring a church in Magdeburg, a city in the former East Germany. Since first meeting Phil and Gary in Berlin in the early 2000s, Karl has travelled extensively with MCNet, sharing with the next generation the importance of mentoring. Being the citizen of several countries and speaking multiple languages, has enabled Karl to adapt to many cross cultural ministry settings. Claudia has a degree in psychology and operates a private practice in Germany, in addition to serving in their church. In addition to teaching internationally with MCNet, they are part of a network of church planters in Germany and have a heart for the next generation of leaders in Europe.

Valera & Narina

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Valera and Narina are based in the Caucasus region of southern Russia. They serve a fellowship of churches providing mentoring for young leaders, as well as being catalysts to see many in their fellowship of churches begin focusing on the next generation. Using the MCNet materials, they have developed an extensive strategy to provide workshops and coaching to the leaders of their fellowship, providing many unique innovations to contextualize the MCNet materials. They are currently serving in St. Petersburg in a church plant and various ministries throughout the city. She is also a sought after translator, travelling internationally to serve in this capacity. They have a desire to train leaders and see churches become effective multipliers of ministry in Russia as well as in many other countries. or

Alexey & Tatiana

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Alexey and Tatiana live in Moscow and serve in many capacities of ministry in the city and surrounding region. In addition to being on a pastoral team of a local church, Alexey also is the Rector of an evangelical bible school in Moscow. Here he has developed many innovative programs based on the cornerstone of mentoring relationships. He serves many churches in the Network, equipping and coaching ministry teams. Tatiana operates a counseling centre, as well as being a professor in both Russia and Germany. They both are fluent in English and have each earned a PhD. In addition to their heart for the Russian Church they have travelled internationally as MCNet coaches. They continue to have a passion to see the evangelical church in Russia truly become contextualized and are involved in many local and international networks that help to facilitate this.  or


Deo 2018 ICM Canada

Deo (Deodatus)is originally from the Democratic Republic of Congo and currently are based out of the USA. Before coming to Christ, Deo was a Muslim Imam in East Africa, where he taught Islaam studies for nearly twenty years. Using his dramatic testimony, he teaches seminars regarding how to reach Muslims. He also has an extensive teaching ministry to leaders in many African countries. His focus with MCNet is on Francophone Africa and he travels regularly to teach workshops in West Africa and coordinate MCNet in Africa. While his focus in Africa, Deo truly has a global passion. He has travelled from South America to Europe and continues to raise up leaders who have a passion to be mentors for the next generation.

Javier & Aidelys

Javier & Aidelys

Javier and Aidelys serve as ministry coaches in Cuba. His innovative approach has dramatically impacted the church as he mentored a movement of young people. Through his commitment to mentoring, he continue to raise up many young leaders. Javier was also the director of evangelism for his denomination and he has a has a heart to reach out across Cuba. He is currently developing a network of coaches within several centers in Cuba who are training leaders within the church and beyond. He desires to see a movement of healthy leaders and reproducing churches across Cuba that can impact the society in culturally relevant ways.


Raydel & Madelines

Raydel & Madelines

Raydel and Madelines are medical doctors by training, but have sensed God direct them to focus on leadership training in Cuba and Latin America. Raydel has made the transition from being a specialized surgeon in Cuba, to mentoring other leaders in the church and coaching ministry teams. Together with Javier he provides leadership to MCNet in Cuba, but also has a heart for the rest of Latin America. He has been a catalyst to introduce the MCNet materials and process of leadership training among Spanish speaking leaders in many surrounding countries, including the USA. He regularly travels outside of Cuba in order to coach leaders and see the Network expanded in Latin America.

Carlos & Jacqueline

IMG 7745 ICM CanadaCarlos is the director of a national ministry in Dominican Republic which focuses on a holistic approach to serving the community, addressing both practical and spiritual needs. To accomplish this they partner with several organizations including MCNet. His goal is to see healthy leaders raised up in DR, so that they may lead healthy teams and healthy churches. He is a committed mentor and coach of other leaders and, with his team, is facilitating the expansion of MCNet throughout the Dominican. Through his many connections in Latin America, he and Raydel are also involved in expanding the Network in other countries in the Caribbean, Latin and South America.

Maxym & Anya

IMG 7734 ICM CanadaMaxym and Anya lead the Mission of Hope ministry in eastern Ukraine. They have a passion to see families restored to wholeness and with their team serve many displaced families in their region. From this ministry, they have also developed a team in order to plant a new church. Maxym is also a key regional leader in Ukraine for his denomination and in this capacity serves the leaders of churches in his district. They are also networkers and have assembled a team of leaders across denominations of which he is the MCNet coach in Ukraine.

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