Workshop Login
Thank you for attending a recent workshop in person! Our desire is to help you personally grow, but then to be able to use this material to mentor and coach others.
If you are a listener to our Podcast, LEADERSHIPmatters with Dr. Phil and want to receive the free materials referenced in the podcast, just click on relevant series and you’ll be able to download the materials or go to ourĀ Resources page to purchase any of our other materials.
If you attended a recent workshop and would like to receive your free materials, please locate your conference location and date and follow the link to enter your password. This will be available for about one week after conference date.
Dominican Rep, November 2023
Dominican Rep: Nov 2023
749.89 KBGuatemala, November 2023
Guatemala: Nov. 2023
Dominican Rep, April 2023
Dominican Rep.: April 2023
3.90 MB2022
Tanzania, Sept 2022
Tanzania: Sept 2022
4.44 MBMAY
Dominican Rep, May 26-29: MCNet Finishing the Race Retreat