More Good News from Ukraine

In the far reaches of eastern Ukraine, God is using several leaders who have a vision to reach their communities and city. ICM is working with five key leaders and their teams. Their ministries include new church plants and the realignment of vision of several existing churches. Phil was just with Maxym (the MCNet local ministry coach in the area) in March. Together with his wife, they oversee a ministry to displaced/dysfunctional families. It is exciting to see Max and Anya plant a new church that has formed as a result of this ministry.

In March, Phil spent a week with Max and the leaders of these various ministries, equipping them as they use ICM’s MCNet materials to encourage other emerging servant leaders. The goal is to see existing ministries renewed in vision and new ministries initiated. Vladimir is one of those pastors (as well as being a professor in the local Seminary). He sent the following email after one of Phil’s recent trips:
Dear Phil,
Greetings from Zaporozhye. Just wanted to say “hi” and thank you for coming to Ukraine. Your visit was very helpful for me personally and our church. It’s a privilege to have a “professional alongsider” who would occasionally take a look at what is actually going on and encourage for further development. Thank you! I used your advise within the last few months and it was a blessing and encouragement for our church. I used your material on “Developing Others 1” and “Leadership Foundations” with our: 1. Church deacons/brother’s council, 2. Team leaders and their team members / people who are serving in the church. We will continue to discuss the materials before your next visit.
It will be great to have you back with us, Vladimir

In addition to the interest in using our leadership and other ministry team resources in Ukraine, they are looking forward to having our new Discipleship materials (a one year program to help believers disciple a new follower of Jesus) translated into Russian. Thank you for considering a special donation for our translation projects this year into Russian, French, and Spanish.