Christian Leadership Institute (CLI): Competency 2.20 – Team Dynamics


Douglas E. Friesen
Phillip T. Jeske (PhD)

Complete competency syllabus and all reading materials

This competency measures the ability to build cohesive groups (combining diverse people into an effective group which fulfills a common purpose), identify and empower others in their gifts and skills, and communicate in such a way that others gain a strong sense of ownership and responsibility for a common vision. This is a critical competency for a leader’s expanding influence and is best achieved by expanding the leadership base of an organization. The New Testament shows us (first through Jesus then through the Apostle Paul) that ministry success is seen in developing others and working together in Kingdom ministry.


CLI – Christian Leadership Institute: Module 2.0 Relational Life

This module of leadership competency explores the skills that are necessary for effectively working with and developing others. It identifies the areas of leadership that require a high level of emotional intelligence and relational skill so that the developing leader recognizes and understands the importance of healthy interpersonal skills as well as identifying possible pitfalls that can undermine their effectiveness.

Competency 2.20 Team Dynamics: Description and Rationale

This competency measures the ability to build cohesive groups (combining diverse people into an effective group which fulfills a common purpose), identify and empower others in their gifts and skills, and communicate in such a way that others gain a strong sense of ownership and responsibility for a common vision. This is a critical competency for a leader’s expanding influence and is best achieved by expanding the leadership base of an organization. The New Testament shows us (first through Jesus then through the Apostle Paul) that ministry success is seen in developing others and working together in Kingdom ministry.

The Authors

Doug Friesen is a pastor, teacher, church planter, mentor, ministry coach, and director of CLIMB, an organization that facilitates innovative ministries in Canada. Phil Jeske (PhD) is a missionary teacher, author, ministry coach and president of ICM, an international mission organization.  They are both specialists in their field of leadership development and travel internationally coaching teams within the Ministry Coaching Network (MCNet). They have a passion to mentor the next generation of servant leaders and help ministry teams start innovative ministries that will impact their nations. Both they and their wives  live near Vancouver, Canada with their grown children and grandchildren.


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