3. Developing Others 2 Workshop


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This is a follow up workshop to Developing Others 1, which is intended to be taught after participants have begun a mentoring relationship. It  answers questions that often arise as one begins a mentoring relationship. It is recommended that Mentoring thru Intentional Relationships Guide 2 be available for those who have begun the mentoring process and would like to continue with the second six chapters as a guide.



This is a follow up workshop to Developing Others 1, which is intended to be taught after participants have begun a mentoring relationship. It begins to answer some of the questions that arise from a mentoring relationship. Issues regarding the various influences which affect mentoring relationships, such as Life and Ministry Stages, Church and Organizational Context, and the various functions that the mentoring relationship can provide. Unique to this material is an explanation of the Phases of a mentoring relationship and how understanding these increase the effectiveness of the relationship.

Often there are more individuals who want to be mentored than are available or willing to mentor. This workshop provides Peer Mentoring as a viable option for younger leaders. The various functions and levels of peer mentoring are discussed, as well as an emphasis on managing one’s relationship network and creating the conditions necessary to encourage mentoring type of relationships in ministries and organizations. It is recommended Mentoring thru Intentional Relationships Guide 2 be available for those who have begun the mentoring process and would like to continue with the second six chapters as a guide.


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